Government, University or Industrial reports

  • Zekkos D., Zalachoris G., Alvertos, A. E., Aatya P. M., Blunts P., Clark M., Dafis S., Farmakis I., Ganas A., Hille M., Kalimogiannis V., Karagiannidis A., Karantanellis E., Khan K., Kirshbaum D., Kourkoulis R., Kotroni V., Ktenidou O.-J., Lagouvardos K., Loli M., Makrinikas A., Marinos V., Manousakis J., Nikas K., Panousis D., Papathanassiou G., Saroglou C., Simopoulos A., Stanley T., Tsavalas A., Valkaniotis S. (2020). “The September 18-20 2020 Medicane Ianos Impact on Greece – Phase I Reconnaissance Report”. Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Report, GEER-068, .
  • Nikolaou, S., Zekkos, D., Assimaki, D. and Ramon Gilsanz (2014). “Earthquake Reconnaissance January 26/February 2nd 2014 Cephalonia Events, Greece.” Version 1 Report for Web Dissemination GEER Association Report No. GEER-034 in collaboration with EERI and ATC. Available at:
  • Dimitriadi V., and Zekkos D., (2014), “2014 Resource Guide for Educators in Geotechnical Engineering.” Report GEO-2014-01, October 2014. Available at:
  • Sahadewa, A., Zekkos D. (2012). “In Situ Shear Wave Velocity Measurements, BKK Landfill, West Covina, California.” University of Michigan Geotechnical Engineering Research Report UMGE-2012/01, December 17 2012
  • Cortese, G.*, Zekkos, D., Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, A. (2012a). “Network for Women in Civil and Environmental Engineering – First Annual Report.” May 31 2012, University of Michigan.
  • Cortese, G.*, Zekkos, D., Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, A. (2012b). “Results of 2011 Undergraduate and Graduate Survey.” September 15, 2012, University of Michigan.
  • Athanasopoulos, A., Zekkos D. (2006), “Geoengineering, refereed journals and case histories: A survey.” report GEO/01/06, September 2006.
  • Zekkos (Zeccos), D. P. (2005), “Evaluation of static and dynamic properties of Municipal Solid-Waste.” dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Fall.
  • Zekkos, D. (2001), “Deep Supported Excavation in soft saturated cohesive soil for the construction of a two story underground garage in Patras. Construction – Measurement – Behavior Analysis.” Undergraduate Degree thesis, University of Patras, Greece, June 2001.
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